Thursday 21 February 2013

Running in Venice

My friend Lidia and I arrived in Venice yesterday. Before coming away I was interested to know how I was going to get my training in however after having a walk around yesterday I realised with maybe a little bit of imagination I could do it. We decided running early or later in the day would be the trick as it is more difficult with people around. We got up at 6.45 to run just after 7. Lidia was joining me and going to have a walk (her walking isn't that much slower than my running!!!!). We are fortunate enough to have a hotel that sits on the Grand Canal so I was able to run along the path and up to the park and back. Although I had a few bridges to cross it was a pleasant run. Fortunately they have put slopes over the bridges which made my life easier as I think running up steps may have hurt my knee. It was good to to and hopefully tomorrow I may be able to run a little further and explore.

If you like walking, Venice is the place to be. It feels like it is easy to get lost but the main areas are well sign posted and it is easy to find your way back although I did take us in a complete circle today :-).

I now have less than 9 weeks to go until the marathon!!! I am however feeling more positive as Tracy and I ran 13.1 miles on Sunday. I didn't get to write on here at the weekend as after the run I had a full day at work so was shattered. My Sundays usually involve my long run, hot bath then duvet day so Sunday was a bit tough :-).

It has just started snowing here!

Well that's it for now, I'll update again soon :-).

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