Tuesday 26 February 2013

Final run in Venice.

I was up early and out running before 6.30 this morning for my final run in Venice. I know I have said it before but it is a wonderful way to see the city. Even if you are not running, get up early and see Venice before the crowds arrive. It has gone from snow to sunshine. As I was running I was able to witness the sunrise over the city. Lots of bridges and steps but that has become normal now, I shall miss them when I return home :-). I was really worried I would have difficulty in running when I got here but it hasn't been a problem at all and I have seen runners every morning. In fact one lady I have seen every run, I recognise her as her colour code is opposite to mine, she has an orange hat and yellow jacket. I can't remember if I have mentioned this before but for runners who want a longer run you can run along the bridge to the mainland which is 3 or 4 miles long.

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