Wednesday 6 March 2013

Painful week, oooo aaaargh ouch.

Well less than 7 weeks to go now. Sunday showed just what a challenge I am facing. I ran 15 miles with Tracey and I have to say it wasn't easy. The last 3 miles were really tough and it was sheer determination and Tracey's encouragement that kept me going. When I arrived home I thought I may have had to stay in the car as it wasn't easy to even walk. I then walked around like an old woman for the rest of the day. Monday was a rest day however I still had aching muscles to remind me of the day before. Yesterday I still ached a bit but managed a 4 mile run. It is a good feeling knowing I now just 'pop out' to do a 4 mile run whereas it wasn't that long ago that it was a real challenge. Today my legs just feel worked :-). I am having a sports massage tomorrow so looking forward to that. Sunday we are off to Milton Keynes for a half marathon so I am hoping I have prepared well for it.

I've arranged a fundraising meal on 14th at our local Mexican so hoping that will be successful. If you are interested in coming please let me know. The training is becoming more intense now so I am thinking that the bigger fundraising events I shall leave until after the marathon now. Having said that don't forget if you would like to sponsor me you can visit my fundraising page at

Thanks for your support and popping by.
I'll be back soon.

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