Sunday 24 March 2013

18 miles today, wahoo.

Today was a tough day to run but a great milestone.  I went out with my running buddy Tracy and we managed to clock up 18 miles.  It wasn't the easiest run in the world but we go there.  We met up just after 6.30 and headed out in the snow and wind.  Initially I thought I might not get far, my knee has been playing up and I was worried it was going to cause a problem however after the first couple of miles I got into my pace, my knee settled down and we faced the weather.  Often along the way we questioned our madness however soon realised we wasn't on our own when we passed several runners (we didn't overtake pass them, they were running in the opposite direction!!).  The ground was slippery in places so a careful step was needed.  Although it was difficult we soon (well it felt like soon) reached 9 miles and turned around to head back.  Some of the return run felt easier but some felt harder and some roads felt like they had grown.  The snow stopped for short time but kept on coming but we soon reached the final two miles and as usual these were the hardest but we kept going and finally reached our target of 18 miles.  I have to thank Tracy again at this stage as I am sure I wouldn't have done it without her company and support.  I have to say initially saying 18 miles was just a number however it soon sunk in how far we had run and how much we have achieved over the weeks.  I for one was more than chuffed and still can't believe I have managed to get that far :-).

We arrived back at the car, cleared the snow and headed back home.  I phoned my daughter before arriving back and asked her to start running a bath.  After stretching a relax in a hot bath was just the ticket.

Next week we are hoping to run 20 miles, lets hope it's a success.

The training, let alone the Marathon, has been a real challenge, if you would like to sponsor me please go to my fundraising page at  - money raised will go to +Havenshospices ( which is not only a great cause but a cause that is close to my heart.

I would also at this stage like to thank my wonderful husband Dave who initially started training with me however due to injury had to pull out.  He is now getting back to running however feels quite despondent that he hasn't been able to run with me and support me. He has however been a massive support, encouraging me all the way and saying the right words when I am moaning because I ache :-). I have missed running with him and will be glad when we can get back to running together.

Thanks for reading and your support.
Catch up soon, Colette :-)

Friday 15 March 2013

Half Marathon Completed and Successful Fundraising Night

I can't believe how quickly the time is going.  On Sunday it is only 5 weeks until the marathon.
Last Sunday I completed the Milton Keynes half marathon.  It was a tough old run; it was cold and snowed pretty much all the way around.  Having said that it was a pretty route and we got to see parts of Milton Keynes that we didn't even know were there.  It's not all just roundabouts, there are some really lovely places.  I was fortunate enough to run with our friend Matt who encouraged me all the way around.  It must have been really difficult for him as he really had to slow his pace down to run with me.   Dave and I stayed up in Milton Keynes the night before.  My daughter told me that unfortunately she couldn't come as she had plans and that she would see me when I got home to celebrate mother's day.  Well not only was I met at the finish line by my husband Dave, Matt's lovely wife Laura and their adorable daughter Robin but my daughter had made a surprise journey to Milton Keynes and met me at the finish line with a lovely bunch of flowers.  I was pretty emotional crossing the line as it hadn't been a particularly easy run (the first 5 miles had been ok :-)) but when I saw Simone I was really emotional and happy as it was so unexpected.  Unfortunately since the run my knee has been playing up however it seems to have improved a lot now and I have managed to get out tonight and have a run.  I have really missed it and felt twitchy not being able to get out - that is from someone who used to say "I can't run".

Waiting to start, Milton Keynes Xscape was full of waiting runners.  

Matt waiting to start.

Waiting to start, the atmosphere was starting to buzz!

Simone meets me at the finish :-)

A little emotional :-)

Yay we did it!!!

Last night saw the fundraising meal at Panchos mexican in Rayleigh which was a great success.  A total of £430 was raised, this was due to the support from friends and family, generous donations from various companies and the great company.  I shall list the companies at the end and put their links.  The food was delicious and the staff were great.  The raffle was popular with several prizes, including a ride in a train cab, a photo shoot, sports vouchers, hairdresser vouchers and zumba vouchers.

At this point I have to say thank you to my lovely husband and daughter for working together in arranging for me to undertake the "cinnamon challenge".  For those of you who do not know what this is it involves taking a spoonful of cinnamon and swallowing it with as much dignity as possible.  What actually occurs is a complete drying of the mouth and an inability to get rid of the aforementioned cinnamon......oh yes and dignity is completely lost!!  My understanding is that the measured amount is a teaspoon but no that is not good enough I have a heaped desert spoon.  It is probably one of the most unpleasant experiences I have ever had however this tasked raised an extra £30 so worth every moment of discomfort.  Of course there were many willing volunteers who took videos just to ensure my undignified act was shared :-).  I am therefore going to try to upload one onto here.  I said right at the start of the blog that I would be willing to do pretty much anything to raise money including making myself look daft and I think the video proves it!!!  My fundraising is doing well however I am still a way off my target so if you would like to sponsor me please visit by fundraising page on

The evening was busy and kept me on my toes but I have to say I had an absolutely fantastic evening.

Special thanks to everyone involved in making the evening such a success and special thanks to the following for their generous donations.

Sarah from +SND Photography
+Original sports
+Snippers Hairdressers
Zumba classes - details to follow.

And Panchos for a great evening and for holding charity events -

The icing on the cake today was to find out I had made the local paper yesterday :-)

A very proud moment seeing this :-).

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Painful week, oooo aaaargh ouch.

Well less than 7 weeks to go now. Sunday showed just what a challenge I am facing. I ran 15 miles with Tracey and I have to say it wasn't easy. The last 3 miles were really tough and it was sheer determination and Tracey's encouragement that kept me going. When I arrived home I thought I may have had to stay in the car as it wasn't easy to even walk. I then walked around like an old woman for the rest of the day. Monday was a rest day however I still had aching muscles to remind me of the day before. Yesterday I still ached a bit but managed a 4 mile run. It is a good feeling knowing I now just 'pop out' to do a 4 mile run whereas it wasn't that long ago that it was a real challenge. Today my legs just feel worked :-). I am having a sports massage tomorrow so looking forward to that. Sunday we are off to Milton Keynes for a half marathon so I am hoping I have prepared well for it.

I've arranged a fundraising meal on 14th at our local Mexican so hoping that will be successful. If you are interested in coming please let me know. The training is becoming more intense now so I am thinking that the bigger fundraising events I shall leave until after the marathon now. Having said that don't forget if you would like to sponsor me you can visit my fundraising page at

Thanks for your support and popping by.
I'll be back soon.