Sunday 4 November 2012

The beard is growing!!

Before I go any further, I feel it only right to put on Day 3 and Day 4 of Dave's beard growing attempt!! I should add here that Dave is rather camera shy so trying to get a shot of him on a daily basis is a challenge in itself!  I ask him to smile and all he can manage at times is a grimace.  I threaten him with adding the less flattering photos but that seems to make him worse.  For those of you that do not know Dave, I would like to assure you he not a miserable sod, he just finds it hard to smile for the camera.......funny he doesn't stop when the camera is off him.  Hmmm thinking about this though he is usually laughing or smiling at his very own rubbish jokes :-).

So Day 3

This was during a gym session last night and Dave pulling every face to try and smile :-). (Ha ha there looks like some madness in those eyes lol)

This then leads us on to tonight's shot :-).  I can see George Clooney battling to get out :-)

The evidence is there of the beard.  In every man there is a rugged beard growth, poor Dave I feel missed this and is the loveable tramp.  Please sponsor him on not only is he having to put up with an itchy face but also me shoving a camera in his face each evening and silly remarks on here!  I think that is deserving of anyone's money and not forgetting a very worthy cause.

I can not leave Dave on here being the only looking stylish so thought I would put a pic of me being my usual graceful self attempting pull ups!

My arms and shoulders have been hurting today, now I remember why!!!

Believe or not there are some female guns on those arms, when Dave starts getting some sponsors I will post the evidence :-).  

I have been working this weekend and decided that I would have a rest  day today however the exercising must be getting to me as I still had to go out for a 20 minute brisk walk!!  

I have printed off a pre-training training programme so shall be starting that tomorrow.  
Well that's all folks.  
Please feel free to comment, would be glad to have some interaction.  I am intrigued I have apparently had views from USA and Germany.  If you are looking please feel free to say hi, it would be good to see how far out this is going.
I'll be back soon.  Night x

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