Monday 5 November 2012

Day 5 Beard Growth and Boxing

Evening all.  Dave has reached day 5 of his beard so that's what I'll put on here first.  He is getting so desperate to get sponsors that he is even trying to grow arms out of his chin - I don't think he has done a bad job, what do you think?  I'm pleased to say we have started to get sponsors on both the just giving web site and the good old fashioned way of cash :-).  A reminder of the just giving website is

So here we have it - Dave Day 5

Ok so now is my turn - grooooann.  I have to say just how painful this is, I really am putting myself out there and up for criticism.  I am my own worst critic and can only see my flaws and bad technique but I promised that should I undertake this challenge I would expose, humiliate, degrade, debase and embarrass myself.  It is not happening without help though and here is my dutch courage:-
Whiskey and Coke (2nd glass!!!)

Today is my first day of an official training programme (I say my but Dave is doing the training with me although he is not doing the marathon).  It consisted of a 25 minute recovery run (basically a slowish pace where you can continue to talk while running) and stretching.  We decided to add to that the sparring that we have been doing. We have found it has been good for our upper body strength and toning.  We have been doing it at home and to music which gives us a beat to spar to.  Tonight for the 1st time ever we did it in the open in the gym.  In addition to this Dave thought it would be a good idea to video me!! Yep I know I box like a girlie and my hand looks a bit limp.  Also my glasses were slipping down my nose and the earplugs that I don't usually wear at home were getting tangled.  I have decided that maybe my contact lenses now need to be worn more often.  Oh well deep breath and here goes - the sparring picture and video :-).

Oh yes, just before the video - this training lark does not go without injury, can't remember how I did it but pretty sore :-(


And so for the video!!! I'll be hiding under the bed until you have watched it :-)

Well that's it for today.  I hope you enjoyed today's update.  Catch up soon, night!!

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