Friday 7 December 2012

Time has moved on!!

It's been about a month since I last wrote on here!  I shouldn't make excuses but I have been busy at work and training.  While I have been away the training has progressed.  I have had some difficult days and some easier days.  I am certainly not a natural runner and do find it a challenge.  No one said it would be easy though :-).  I have bought myself some cold weather running clothes as it has started to get cold out there.  We had snow on Wednesday and by Thursday we had pavements of ice.  I attempted a run but gave up after 15 minutes as I was worried I was going to slip on the ice and then not be able to train for a while.

I have now officially registered with Havens and Virgin for the Marathon and have my Havens vest which I will be sporting at some time - having said that I just want to stay warm at the moment.  Havens arranged a training run a couple of weeks ago which was good to go on and meet some of the other runners.  We have another one next weekend so will be another early morning.  

I seem to be toning up but not losing weight, having said that I do enjoy my food and to give that up is proving harder then the training!!  My next step is to look at my nutrition.  I am sure this will give me more energy to train and obviously being lighter will make the running easier.

Dave has grown his beard and now shaved it off.  He struggled a great deal.  He went through itchiness and feeling grubby.  I have to say I didn't see any evidence of food in it thankfully.  It did make Dave grumpy and as soon as he shaved it off he was singing!!  Dave lasted the month and I have to thank him as it did make people aware of my fundraising and we now have a healthy start.  So Dave I thank you with all my heart as I know how difficult you found it.  

When Dave started I was posting a picture on here everyday but I didn't manage to keep that up so I have made a little video to show day 1 to day 30 and Dave having shaved again.

Thanks for reading.
Please go to if you would like to sponsor.

Be back soon
Colette :-)

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