Sunday 30 December 2012

New Year is approaching!

So not long now until the New Year!  16 weeks to go until the Marathon - aaaaghh! Scary!   I am back into training now.  I went to the gym yesterday and did 3 miles on the treadmill and followed that by going in the sauna - lovely.  This evening I have ran 5 miles and I am pleased to say my leg was OK.  I was pretty chuffed as I have worked this weekend and still managed to get the runs in.  It isn't easy doing a day at work then going out in the dark with drab weather.  While I was running though I did get to thinking how nice it will be doing the training once the lighter evenings are here.  I am looking forward to that.

Well I have managed to sell my calendars  one is going reasonably local and the other is off to Oz.  So Havens will be supported from the other side of the world - wahoo.  Hmmm that's got me thinking I will have to ask them how far they have received money from (that they are aware of) before.  I have decided to get up and get a shot of the New Year sunrise so depending on how well they come out (that's if the sun does show its face), I may decide to sell prints to add to the fundraising!

My in-laws a tea dance where they raised £30 so a big thank you to them.

The New Year is nearly upon us and it is a time to make the resolutions.  I have decided that I shall put a big effort in to losing 3 stone over the year.  That is quite achievable but I need to put the effort in - I just love my food a little too much!!!

Well that's it for now I don't think I shall be on here until after the New Year so a happy New Year to you all.

Colette :-)

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