Sunday 13 January 2013

So what's new?

Well not much really!  I did however run 8.5 miles today.  I have to say I can feel it but I also feel really good that I did it.  I went out for a run with those who are running various events for Havens.  I met up with a lovely lady Tracy today who kept me running and showed me the way otherwise I may have got a bit lost as I didn't manage to keep up with the others.  I am the ultimate tortoise I feel.  Still I may not go fast but the miles are increasing and hopefully I will gradually increase the speed.  At the end of the run we are awarded with bacon butties so well worth getting up early on a cold Sunday morning.

I am out running a few times a week now.  It is a good feeling to go out and run 3-4 miles without thinking about it.  It wasn't that long ago that a mile was difficult to achieve.  Dave and I have booked onto the Milton Keynes half marathon on 10th March which we are looking forward to and it is part of the training plan into the bargain.

I have had some more thoughts about fund raising and a quiz night and foodie night apparently are good fund raisers.  I am hoping to have a quiz night at my local cafe - need to discuss dates and things with them.  Once I know anything I will be putting it on here for all to see.  I do also have another idea however that may not come to fruition so not going to expand on that just yet.

We have also started a slimming club at work.  We are all paying a small fee to weigh in and the money we get is going towards my fundraising.  May be a bit like me a slow process but it will build up and get there :-).

I went to Decathalon in Lakeside yesterday and bought some more kit as I couldn't go for a run outside one night during the week as I hadn't got my outdoor running clothes out of the washing machine and so they were still wet and I had to go to the gym and run on the treadmill.  I don't mind the treadmill but it can get a bit boring when the runs are a bit longer.  I did have to spend a few pounds in Decathalon however it is much cheaper than some of the other shops.  I like it in there as they seem to cater for every sport imaginable, or a least if feels that way.  All they need to add is a coffee shop and I'll be really happy :-).

Well thats it for now.
Catch you soon.

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