Tuesday 29 January 2013

12 weeks to go!

This is quite a scary prospect - only 12 weeks to go.  The training is going to plan. I achieved my 10mile run on Sunday.  A difficult run I have to say however I think I made a couple of silly errors.  I ran on Saturday evening so didn't really give myself much time in between to recover and more importantly I did not have any breakfast!!  I had got up early to run as I was working on Sunday and wanted to get the run in before work.  I also did not want to get up too early so left getting up until the last minute, not thinking I should give myself time to have breakfast.

This has however prompted me into looking into my nutrition.  Something I keep thinking about and not achieving.  I love my food a bit too much and not the healthy stuff.  I have said I want to lose 3 stone this year and as yet I haven't done anything towards it.  Today however I have decided I need to start (those who know me are fully aware of my often good intentions!!!).  I have taken the step to look up nutrition for running on google and hopefully have some good ideas.  I am sure the running would be easier if I ate the right things to fuel my body in the way it should be and to lose some weight.

Dave and I are lazy shoppers and are totally unorganised when it comes to food and cooking so end up eating rubbish or take away.  Today however I have been online and placed an order for some healthier options and I have even planned a couple of recipes so watch this space!!

I am pleased with how the training is going and feel really good to have hit the 10 mile mark.  It is hard work but well worth the training.

That's it for now.
Keep popping back to see any updates.  Thanks for reading.
Catch you soon.
Colette :-)

Monday 21 January 2013

Snow running!

I have to say I love snow, well if I don't have to drive I love snow.    Having said that you soon realise that when you are training that snow isn't really your friend and you need to be careful.  Saturday we had a bit of a flurry and I was quite impressed that Dave and I went for a run.

It was cold and we had made the effort to go out, so I was pretty chuffed.
Sunday however the snow really started to come down and I decided that I would go out for my long run.  I left quite early as I thought the snow may come down thicker later in the day.  I managed to run 9.72 in the cold white stuff.  It wasn't so bad running on the snow as it was still soft however having the snow blowing in my face was difficult at times.  I have to say I thought I may get too cold but I didn't actually feel cold while I was running.  
3.5 miles into the run

You can't really see it on the photo but the snow is coming down here!!
I think this was at about 7 miles.
It didn't stop snowing for the whole run.  In the photos you can't actually see the snow falling. At about 7 miles I started to find it harder but convinced myself to go on and eventually hit my 9 mile target.  After that it was a struggle, I had nearly a mile to get home and was really feeling it.  Dave had said if I was struggling he would pick me up and I have to say at this stage I nearly phoned him but decided by the time he had got the car off the drive I would be nearly home and so I ran another 0.72 miles home.  I did it at a pretty slow pace but I did it and felt I had really achieved something.  
I am now convinced that if I can run nearly 10 miles in the conditions I ran in yesterday that I should be able to complete the half marathon in March.

Wahooo 9.72 miles and now home!!

Worn out and ice crystals in my hair!!

Indoors, some stretching and warming up then a lovely hot relaxing bath.

When fundraising I have been saying to people that it isn't only the day of the event that is hard work but also the training itself.  Yesterday I feel I really proved that.  In order to be fit enough to run the marathon I am having to go out in all weathers.  I am therefore looking for the sympathy donations today :-) and asking that if you are in anyway feeling sorry for me or thinking I am mad, please think of donating to my good cause.  If you would like to donate please either contact me or go to www.justgiving.com/Colly-Wilks.

Lets hope for some warmer training weather.

Sunday 13 January 2013

So what's new?

Well not much really!  I did however run 8.5 miles today.  I have to say I can feel it but I also feel really good that I did it.  I went out for a run with those who are running various events for Havens.  I met up with a lovely lady Tracy today who kept me running and showed me the way otherwise I may have got a bit lost as I didn't manage to keep up with the others.  I am the ultimate tortoise I feel.  Still I may not go fast but the miles are increasing and hopefully I will gradually increase the speed.  At the end of the run we are awarded with bacon butties so well worth getting up early on a cold Sunday morning.

I am out running a few times a week now.  It is a good feeling to go out and run 3-4 miles without thinking about it.  It wasn't that long ago that a mile was difficult to achieve.  Dave and I have booked onto the Milton Keynes half marathon on 10th March which we are looking forward to and it is part of the training plan into the bargain.

I have had some more thoughts about fund raising and a quiz night and foodie night apparently are good fund raisers.  I am hoping to have a quiz night at my local cafe - need to discuss dates and things with them.  Once I know anything I will be putting it on here for all to see.  I do also have another idea however that may not come to fruition so not going to expand on that just yet.

We have also started a slimming club at work.  We are all paying a small fee to weigh in and the money we get is going towards my fundraising.  May be a bit like me a slow process but it will build up and get there :-).

I went to Decathalon in Lakeside yesterday and bought some more kit as I couldn't go for a run outside one night during the week as I hadn't got my outdoor running clothes out of the washing machine and so they were still wet and I had to go to the gym and run on the treadmill.  I don't mind the treadmill but it can get a bit boring when the runs are a bit longer.  I did have to spend a few pounds in Decathalon however it is much cheaper than some of the other shops.  I like it in there as they seem to cater for every sport imaginable, or a least if feels that way.  All they need to add is a coffee shop and I'll be really happy :-).

Well thats it for now.
Catch you soon.