Sunday 14 April 2013

One week left - on count down!!!!

Wahooo, only one week left!!!! In fact this time next week it will all be over and hopefully I will be celebrating somewhere.  It has been very strange tapering, I almost feel as if I have been cheating as I have not run so much :-).  Weirdly though I have felt more tired and psychologically I have really had to fight to get myself out and about.

Now however the excitement has set in.  Thursday saw me down at Little Havens having a more than needed sports massage.  I have had these regularly throughout my training and personally feel they have been a great help.  A huge thank you has to go to Chris, Louise and Matthew who give their time to carry out the massages and all the funds raised go to Havens.  A special thank you has to go to Judy and her team who have done a great job at organising all of this.

Yesterday Tracy and I went to London to run/view the end of the route.  We ran 4 miles from Tower Hill and arrived roughly where we think the finish will be.  It was a great to do and the excitement started.  Notices have already gone up to let people know the roads will be closed next week and barriers are already evident.  The run was finished off with a coffee (decaff I hasten to add!!!) before heading back to Fenchurch Street to come home.  It was also great to catch up with Tracy as she ran the Milan marathon last week - what a star :-)

Today we met again at Little Havens for our final team run before the marathon.  We are continuing to reduce our miles and we ran 6 and half miles today.  We have been advised to run 3-4 miles on Tuesday and then rest the last part of the week.  It feels pretty alien not to be running so much and is going to take some discipline not to go out for a last minute run.  The Echo arrived to take some photos and Havens also took some shots.  The sun was shining today and I feel pretty happy and I have to say quite proud.

Well that's it for now.  I may touch in on Tuesday or later in the week but I'm not sure yet, otherwise I shall be catching up after the big day.  I do feel I need to wrap myself in cotton wool though as I am scared I may do something silly and injure myself :-).

Oh before I go a big thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me in my journey which has been pretty amazing and it is not over yet!!  Although I have received lots of support your continued support is greatly appreciated.  If anyone would like to make a donation please visit my fundraising page at  Thank you so much :-).

Photo taken today by Havens at Little Havens.
The lovely lady (with Tracy on her top) standing in front of me has been my great running buddy, support and encouragement on our long runs :-)

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