Sunday 7 April 2013

Only two weeks left to go!!!

I can't believe that this time in two weeks it will all be over and hopefully I will be celebrating. I went out for a run today and did 10 miles. It's strange how I have been saying "I only ran 10 miles today".

It was a beautiful day to run. The sun was shining and it felt like spring was in the air. Dave joined me for the first couple of miles and then I was off on my own. I ran down to the river in Hullbridge and then along the river for about a mile. It was lovely. People were fishing, feeding the swans and walking their dogs; everyone seemed to be in a happy mood and smiling which seems to come with the sun shining. I think it's the first time I've ran without my hat and coat in ages and seemed much more comfortable :).

It really didn't seem that long and I was home again. My feet seem to be aching a bit lately, but my knees felt fine and I didn't seem to be aching in my legs so overall a great run. Of course had the mandatory stretching and a relaxing bath. Now to see what the next two weeks bring :-).

Thanks for all your ongoing support.
I'll be back soon,
Colette :-) x

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