Tuesday 2 April 2013

20 MILES!!!

Well well well, I ran 20 miles on Sunday, I really can't believe it.  I was just about coming to terms with the fact I had achieved 18 miles last week and now I have hit 20.  It stills seems strange that only a few weeks ago I wasn't really running and could not even think how I would achieve the higher numbers.

The day started early, Tracy and I met at 6 however the clocks had gone forward an hour so our body clocks really thought it was 5am and I had got up at 5am so on any other weekend it would have been 4am.  It was still dark as we started off but didn't take long for the sun to be up and we were met by a lovely sunrise.  The sun always adds to the good spirits.  It was still cold though however nowhere near as cold as last week and no snow to speak of this week which was a refreshing change.

As we arrived back to our cars both Tracy and I had big grins on our faces, it was an overwhelming sense of achievement.  I have to say that grin stayed on my face all the way home and for quite a while afterwards.  Of course none of this comes without aches and pains so stretching and a hot bath were the order of the day for me, although I have since found out that a hot bath is not the best thing to do after a long run.  For me though it is lovely and not something I couldn't easily give up :-).  My knee seems to be holding up and although irritating and aching at times seems to have improved and has certainly not go any worse so I am hoping it continues that way.

So 20 miles have been completed and now is the time for tapering.  That is the longest run I will do now before the marathon.  It feels strange and a bit scary that the next really big run will be the big day on 21st April.  So now is the time to reduce the intensity without getting too complacent and hopefully keeping injuries away.

It is now the time to be excited and I really am :-)

That's it for now.
I'll be back soon.

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