Sunday 30 December 2012

New Year is approaching!

So not long now until the New Year!  16 weeks to go until the Marathon - aaaaghh! Scary!   I am back into training now.  I went to the gym yesterday and did 3 miles on the treadmill and followed that by going in the sauna - lovely.  This evening I have ran 5 miles and I am pleased to say my leg was OK.  I was pretty chuffed as I have worked this weekend and still managed to get the runs in.  It isn't easy doing a day at work then going out in the dark with drab weather.  While I was running though I did get to thinking how nice it will be doing the training once the lighter evenings are here.  I am looking forward to that.

Well I have managed to sell my calendars  one is going reasonably local and the other is off to Oz.  So Havens will be supported from the other side of the world - wahoo.  Hmmm that's got me thinking I will have to ask them how far they have received money from (that they are aware of) before.  I have decided to get up and get a shot of the New Year sunrise so depending on how well they come out (that's if the sun does show its face), I may decide to sell prints to add to the fundraising!

My in-laws a tea dance where they raised £30 so a big thank you to them.

The New Year is nearly upon us and it is a time to make the resolutions.  I have decided that I shall put a big effort in to losing 3 stone over the year.  That is quite achievable but I need to put the effort in - I just love my food a little too much!!!

Well that's it for now I don't think I shall be on here until after the New Year so a happy New Year to you all.

Colette :-)

Wednesday 26 December 2012

London Marathon Training and Fundraising: Boxing Day

London Marathon Training and Fundraising: Boxing Day: Well that's it for another year, Christmas day has come and gone :-).  I had intended to go for a run on Christmas morning however I have ha...

Boxing Day

Well that's it for another year, Christmas day has come and gone :-).  I had intended to go for a run on Christmas morning however I have had a horrible cold which didn't help and also got up too late to open presents and have a run before going out for dinner so opening the presents won :-).  Having said that I have just got back from a 2 mile run.  Not that far I know but it is boxing day and I did run one of the miles in the fastest time I have done since starting training so actually pretty pleased especially as I am getting over a cold.

I have also learnt a lesson recently, my training had to stop for a short while and I am having to build up again as I hurt my leg.  I was running on the treadmill when I felt my hamstring twinge, rather than stopping I carried on running for a further few minutes even when it became quite uncomfortable.  Why? Stupidly I was running to a plan and felt I would fail if I didn't finish what I was doing, well I did fail as due to carrying on I was out of action.  Oh well it is a good lesson learned and hopefully I won't be so daft again.  I did start to get back to it and then my cold came out so missed another few days. Gone out today and the leg feels ok so hoping it is ok now.  I have actually missed being able to run and was frustrated I couldn't go out - I never ever thought I would feel like that :-).  The Marathon training begins soon - 6th January I think is.

I am now going to try to increase the fund raising effort.  I have had some 2013 calenders printed from some of my photos which I am going to sell for £5 plus p&p.  If you are interested please let me know.  The other thing that I shall be doing is collecting any unwanted clothes so if you have anything please let me know.  Obviously this will need to be local as I won't be able to go to far to collect :-).

I am thinking about the cinnamon challenge.  If I get sponsored a total £50 specifically for this challenge I shall do it - and film it!  If I get sponsored for a total of at least £100 Simone (my daughter) will do it too.  Not only will the money go to a good cause but you will have a laugh too :-).  If you want to sponsor me please go to please leave a message to say it is for the cinnamon challenge so I will know which donations are specifically for that.  For those of you who don't know what this is,  you have a spoonful of cinnamon, you totally dries your mouth out, you have to keep you mouth shut (if you can) and swallow it - it also tastes foul!

Well that it, I have you all had a good Christmas, enjoy boxing day and will catch up in the new year if not before :-)

Colette xx

Friday 7 December 2012

Time has moved on!!

It's been about a month since I last wrote on here!  I shouldn't make excuses but I have been busy at work and training.  While I have been away the training has progressed.  I have had some difficult days and some easier days.  I am certainly not a natural runner and do find it a challenge.  No one said it would be easy though :-).  I have bought myself some cold weather running clothes as it has started to get cold out there.  We had snow on Wednesday and by Thursday we had pavements of ice.  I attempted a run but gave up after 15 minutes as I was worried I was going to slip on the ice and then not be able to train for a while.

I have now officially registered with Havens and Virgin for the Marathon and have my Havens vest which I will be sporting at some time - having said that I just want to stay warm at the moment.  Havens arranged a training run a couple of weeks ago which was good to go on and meet some of the other runners.  We have another one next weekend so will be another early morning.  

I seem to be toning up but not losing weight, having said that I do enjoy my food and to give that up is proving harder then the training!!  My next step is to look at my nutrition.  I am sure this will give me more energy to train and obviously being lighter will make the running easier.

Dave has grown his beard and now shaved it off.  He struggled a great deal.  He went through itchiness and feeling grubby.  I have to say I didn't see any evidence of food in it thankfully.  It did make Dave grumpy and as soon as he shaved it off he was singing!!  Dave lasted the month and I have to thank him as it did make people aware of my fundraising and we now have a healthy start.  So Dave I thank you with all my heart as I know how difficult you found it.  

When Dave started I was posting a picture on here everyday but I didn't manage to keep that up so I have made a little video to show day 1 to day 30 and Dave having shaved again.

Thanks for reading.
Please go to if you would like to sponsor.

Be back soon
Colette :-)

Monday 5 November 2012

Day 5 Beard Growth and Boxing

Evening all.  Dave has reached day 5 of his beard so that's what I'll put on here first.  He is getting so desperate to get sponsors that he is even trying to grow arms out of his chin - I don't think he has done a bad job, what do you think?  I'm pleased to say we have started to get sponsors on both the just giving web site and the good old fashioned way of cash :-).  A reminder of the just giving website is

So here we have it - Dave Day 5

Ok so now is my turn - grooooann.  I have to say just how painful this is, I really am putting myself out there and up for criticism.  I am my own worst critic and can only see my flaws and bad technique but I promised that should I undertake this challenge I would expose, humiliate, degrade, debase and embarrass myself.  It is not happening without help though and here is my dutch courage:-
Whiskey and Coke (2nd glass!!!)

Today is my first day of an official training programme (I say my but Dave is doing the training with me although he is not doing the marathon).  It consisted of a 25 minute recovery run (basically a slowish pace where you can continue to talk while running) and stretching.  We decided to add to that the sparring that we have been doing. We have found it has been good for our upper body strength and toning.  We have been doing it at home and to music which gives us a beat to spar to.  Tonight for the 1st time ever we did it in the open in the gym.  In addition to this Dave thought it would be a good idea to video me!! Yep I know I box like a girlie and my hand looks a bit limp.  Also my glasses were slipping down my nose and the earplugs that I don't usually wear at home were getting tangled.  I have decided that maybe my contact lenses now need to be worn more often.  Oh well deep breath and here goes - the sparring picture and video :-).

Oh yes, just before the video - this training lark does not go without injury, can't remember how I did it but pretty sore :-(


And so for the video!!! I'll be hiding under the bed until you have watched it :-)

Well that's it for today.  I hope you enjoyed today's update.  Catch up soon, night!!

Sunday 4 November 2012

The beard is growing!!

Before I go any further, I feel it only right to put on Day 3 and Day 4 of Dave's beard growing attempt!! I should add here that Dave is rather camera shy so trying to get a shot of him on a daily basis is a challenge in itself!  I ask him to smile and all he can manage at times is a grimace.  I threaten him with adding the less flattering photos but that seems to make him worse.  For those of you that do not know Dave, I would like to assure you he not a miserable sod, he just finds it hard to smile for the camera.......funny he doesn't stop when the camera is off him.  Hmmm thinking about this though he is usually laughing or smiling at his very own rubbish jokes :-).

So Day 3

This was during a gym session last night and Dave pulling every face to try and smile :-). (Ha ha there looks like some madness in those eyes lol)

This then leads us on to tonight's shot :-).  I can see George Clooney battling to get out :-)

The evidence is there of the beard.  In every man there is a rugged beard growth, poor Dave I feel missed this and is the loveable tramp.  Please sponsor him on not only is he having to put up with an itchy face but also me shoving a camera in his face each evening and silly remarks on here!  I think that is deserving of anyone's money and not forgetting a very worthy cause.

I can not leave Dave on here being the only looking stylish so thought I would put a pic of me being my usual graceful self attempting pull ups!

My arms and shoulders have been hurting today, now I remember why!!!

Believe or not there are some female guns on those arms, when Dave starts getting some sponsors I will post the evidence :-).  

I have been working this weekend and decided that I would have a rest  day today however the exercising must be getting to me as I still had to go out for a 20 minute brisk walk!!  

I have printed off a pre-training training programme so shall be starting that tomorrow.  
Well that's all folks.  
Please feel free to comment, would be glad to have some interaction.  I am intrigued I have apparently had views from USA and Germany.  If you are looking please feel free to say hi, it would be good to see how far out this is going.
I'll be back soon.  Night x

Friday 2 November 2012

So it begins!!!

Good evening everyone.  I thought it was time to get my blog started.  I shall be running the London Marathon in April......mad I hear you say and  I have to agree.  I applied for ballot place last year and didn't get on and the same happened again this year.  I therefore applied for Haven's Hospices who I work for and have been fortunate enough to get a place with them however now the hard work and fundraising begins.

I am not really built for running and up until a few years ago when I met Dave I always said I could not run.  I have to say I do find it hard work but am up for the challenge. I am also hoping it will assist in my constant battle against my weight............I long for that size 12 again but will be satisfied with a toned a fit body :-).

I shall be posting pictures and videos of both my training and fundraising.  Dave has been kind enough to take some of me already!!!  I am hoping the speed and technique will improve

I hadn't even started here and was very conscious that Dave had his phone taking my picture.  Hopefully I will soon not care and will be posing :-).

We went for a run around the local park and Dave took the following video which shows just how rubbish I am at the moment however the good news is that there is plenty of room for improvement. 

The heavy breathing is Dave and not me!! To be fair he did keep running ahead so he could get a forward facing shot.  Enjoy!!!!

I have set a justgiving site up for those that would like to sponsor me and you can get on it via  the first fundraising event that we are doing is Dave is going to grow a beard throughout November and I shall be posting daily photos.  The first two are as follows.
Day 1

Day 2

Although Dave is growing a beard this was inspired by Movember where men grow moustaches during November for Prostate Cancer and to highlight men's health.  I would therefore like to take this opportunity to remind those men out there that Movember is to raise awareness about men's health and that by being aware and getting early detection of things like Prostate Cancer can save your life.  So please check yourself and have any available tests done.........don't be shy and be healthy :-)

Well I reckon that is it for now.  Please support me in this challenge.  I will be grateful for any tips for both my training and the fundraising.  Don't be strangers.  See you soon, Colette x