Monday 22 April 2013

Yay I DID IT!!!!!!

It is with mixed emotions I write this blog.  I am so proud that I have achieved something that I never thought I could however I am now feeling a bit sad and tearful that this blog will be finishing my journey :-).  This last week especially has been a pretty emotional time and speaking to people yesterday at the marathon made me realise that that seems to be normal.

Well what a day.  I was up at 5am, made sure I had a good amount of porridge and got myself ready.  Although I had everything ready the night before I still seemed to be taking my time to sort myself out.  I think the nerves and excitement had set in.  We arrived at Little Havens to be on the coaches by 6.50 am and left shortly after.

At Little Havens before getting on the coach.
Simone saying goodbye before getting on the coach :-).

I travelled up with Tracy which was great as we intended to run together, which we did.  I don't think we stopped talking for most of the journey.  We arrived at around 8 am

The sun was shining but it was a little chilly when we arrived however it soon warmed up.  I think we used the loo about 3 times before we headed to start line.  Actually we pretty much got to the start line and I decided I had to make sure and go again.  Bladders empty, water in hand we headed back to the start line.  The air was buzzing and people just randomly talking to each other. Emotions were high.  It is amazing just how many charities people are running for.  The fancy dress costumes were great and added to the atmosphere.

Just before 10 o'clock the whistle blew and we had the planned 30 second silence for Boston.  It was so touching and emotional.  The sound went from loud talking, laughter and hub bub to silence. A very poignant moment.  I can not remember seeing anyone without their black ribbon! The silence was broken with another whistle blowing and a loud cheer and I am sure many tears and lumps in throats.  I can't find the right words to give that moment the respect it deserves.  It was a moment of sadness but also sheer determination.

10 o'clock came and we were off.  It took us 23 minutes to get to the start line and then we were able to start our run - a fantastic moment :-).  The first few miles seemed comfortable and were clocking up.  The atmosphere was electric and exciting.  People were cheering and the bands were playing.  It is so difficult to take it in but one point I really remember is coming around the corner and seeing the Cutty Sark seeming to just loom over you.

Dave had travelled up with Simone, Dan, Ross, Louise and Karen and had planned to be at 5 miles.  They had also planned to meet some other friends during the day too.  Although we had planned where Dave and co would be there was no guarantee that I would see them so it was with great joy that I saw Simone waving at me and quite overwhelming that there was a crowd of people there for me chanting my name and cheering us on.

The arch of balloons was mile 5 -you can just see me in the background with the yellow cap.  I think I was telling Tracy that I could see Dave :-)

Its amazing how having that support can spur you on.  I will be forever grateful.  The next time I would see them would be at 12.5 miles and that felt an age away but doable.  We have done this mileage before but it soon became difficult and at about 9-10 miles I was finding it tough.  It was hot, it was probably the worse weather those of us who were running could have.  We had been training in the cold and snow.  This was alien to us and very draining.  It was difficult to know how much fluid to take on.  It can be dangerous having too little and it can be dangerous having too much.  The magazine went to great lengths to tell you not to drink too much as it can cause major problems so it was hard to judge it.  The same with the lucozade and the gels.  To little and your energy levels were in your boots, too much and you could find yourself running to the loo!  When I trained it didn't just involve running it was getting used to how much water to take on board and how many gels to have.  This weather threw that out of the window.  It was a beautiful day but not what we had trained in.  It was around 10-12 miles that I started to wonder if I would make it to the end.  I was suffering physically and psychologically.  I had to give myself a few talks and remember why I was doing it.  My patients gave me the inspiration to do my run and remembering that spurred me on during some very low points.  I also had to complete it to ensure I got over that line for Boston as for everyone of us that finished Virgin are donating £2 to the charity for the victims of the bombing.

It started to become a bit of roller coaster but we were soon running across Tower Bridge to the 12.5 marker where the first Havens Hospices post was along with my friends and family.  Again an amazing feeling to see them.

Just come across Tower Bridge

Saying hi to the family and friends :-)

Now for the longest treck before we see them as they were going to be at the 23-24 mile mark.  At times we were now having to walk as it was tough going.  We were however going to finish this.  It was hurting and it was hot.  At one time I was dropping behind Tracy and said for her to go ahead but she never and she stayed with me which I was grateful for.  Throughout other parts of the run it was my turn to encourage Tracy on and together we worked as a team.  It would have been easy to carry on walking but when we did walk after a short while one of us would get the running going again. The crowds were great and encouraging as were the marshals and the people giving out the drinks and gels.  When you felt it was hard there was someone there to encourage you on.  The next meeting point was either 23 or 24 miles and there was no way I wanted to be seen by my friends and family walking so we had to push through those miles.  We past the 23 miles and then the 24 and I thought maybe I had missed them but as we came out of the underpass I heard Dan shouting at me and he told us that the others were a bit further up.  I was so glad that we ran up that underpass :-).  Dan then ran off back to the others.  It wasn't long and we were back with our supporters.  A great feeling and not much further to go.
Saying hi to Simone before getting to Dave and friends.

Our final meeting and not far to go now :-)

We carried on running and then walked for a bit until we nearly reached 25 and we decided we were going to try and run it the rest of the way from here.  We go to about 600 metres (or was it yards??) left to go and had to walk for a short while, there was a bridge with 385 metres (or yards oops can't remember) on it and we ran from here.  As we turned we saw the finish line and then it was time to get to that line and cross it which we did at 6 hours and 26 seconds :-). It was an absolutely amazing and emotional feeling.  To have finished it with Tracy was great and to have completed something I never in my wildest dreams would have thought I could do a few months ago is indescribable.  A very very proud moment.  Our tags were taken off and our medals received.  Wow wow wow.  We got our kit bags and our goodie bags and then was off to meet the family, friends and supporters from Havens.

Hey we're back, we've just been out for a little run :-)

Shattered but proud!

Eating out pink lady apples.

Thanks Tracy, I couldn't have done it without you :-)

All that hard work, commitment and training was for the above.  What a wonderful journey and experience.  Not only have I completed something I could only dream of but I have met some wonderful people along the way and made new friends.

At the moment pretty much everywhere aches but that is just a reminder of what a fabulous journey this has been.  So many people have supported and encouraged me that I can't even begin to list them but I want to thank each and every one of you.  Thank you.

A final parting message.  I was inspired by my patients to take on this challenge and the worthy cause I have done it for is Havens Hospices.  I have reached my target however they need every penny they can get to continue the work they do to help children and adults with life limiting illnesses.  If you would like to make a donation, please visit my fundraising page at

Thanks for reading and thanks for your suport.

Love a very proud and chuffed Colette xx

Thursday 18 April 2013

Race number collected and Excel visit.

An exciting day yesterday.  I went to the Excel with Dave and Simone to collect my race number.  It does make things seem very real now and exciting.  It was lovely as the the cubicle I went to to collect my number was being manned by people who had previously ran the marathon for Havens Hospices.

My race number - wahoo :-)

I had my last training run on Tuesday and ran 4 miles. It was lovely as Dave and Simone were able to come out with me so I had my last training run with them which was very special.  Now it's just trying to relax and wait for Sunday.  It's not that easy when you have got into the habit of going out running.  Although I know it all gives my muscles time to recover I feel as if I should be going out.  

Sunday is going to be a pretty emotional day I think especially in view of the bombings in Boston.  Virgin have given us all black ribbons to wear which I shall wear with pride.  They will be having a period of silence as a sign of respect prior to the race start and they have announced today that they shall be donating £2 for each runner that crosses the finish line to the official Boston charity which will go towards helping the victims.  It sickens me to think that at such a wonderful time when people are at an event raising money for charity and doing nothing but good they are targeted by terrorists.  I am sure I speak for many when I say it makes us all the more determined to run.  Of course from an individual point of view I shall be thinking of those who have inspired me to run which includes my patients, my family and my friends.

I am pleased and excited to say I have pretty much reached my £1500 target if not exceded it however it would be great to see that balance continue to grow so if you would like to add to my fundraising and donate to Havens Hospices then please visit my page at

Many thanks.
Next time I catch you hopefully I will have my medal.  Thanks for your ongoing support,
Colette :-)

Sunday 14 April 2013

One week left - on count down!!!!

Wahooo, only one week left!!!! In fact this time next week it will all be over and hopefully I will be celebrating somewhere.  It has been very strange tapering, I almost feel as if I have been cheating as I have not run so much :-).  Weirdly though I have felt more tired and psychologically I have really had to fight to get myself out and about.

Now however the excitement has set in.  Thursday saw me down at Little Havens having a more than needed sports massage.  I have had these regularly throughout my training and personally feel they have been a great help.  A huge thank you has to go to Chris, Louise and Matthew who give their time to carry out the massages and all the funds raised go to Havens.  A special thank you has to go to Judy and her team who have done a great job at organising all of this.

Yesterday Tracy and I went to London to run/view the end of the route.  We ran 4 miles from Tower Hill and arrived roughly where we think the finish will be.  It was a great to do and the excitement started.  Notices have already gone up to let people know the roads will be closed next week and barriers are already evident.  The run was finished off with a coffee (decaff I hasten to add!!!) before heading back to Fenchurch Street to come home.  It was also great to catch up with Tracy as she ran the Milan marathon last week - what a star :-)

Today we met again at Little Havens for our final team run before the marathon.  We are continuing to reduce our miles and we ran 6 and half miles today.  We have been advised to run 3-4 miles on Tuesday and then rest the last part of the week.  It feels pretty alien not to be running so much and is going to take some discipline not to go out for a last minute run.  The Echo arrived to take some photos and Havens also took some shots.  The sun was shining today and I feel pretty happy and I have to say quite proud.

Well that's it for now.  I may touch in on Tuesday or later in the week but I'm not sure yet, otherwise I shall be catching up after the big day.  I do feel I need to wrap myself in cotton wool though as I am scared I may do something silly and injure myself :-).

Oh before I go a big thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me in my journey which has been pretty amazing and it is not over yet!!  Although I have received lots of support your continued support is greatly appreciated.  If anyone would like to make a donation please visit my fundraising page at  Thank you so much :-).

Photo taken today by Havens at Little Havens.
The lovely lady (with Tracy on her top) standing in front of me has been my great running buddy, support and encouragement on our long runs :-)

Sunday 7 April 2013

Only two weeks left to go!!!

I can't believe that this time in two weeks it will all be over and hopefully I will be celebrating. I went out for a run today and did 10 miles. It's strange how I have been saying "I only ran 10 miles today".

It was a beautiful day to run. The sun was shining and it felt like spring was in the air. Dave joined me for the first couple of miles and then I was off on my own. I ran down to the river in Hullbridge and then along the river for about a mile. It was lovely. People were fishing, feeding the swans and walking their dogs; everyone seemed to be in a happy mood and smiling which seems to come with the sun shining. I think it's the first time I've ran without my hat and coat in ages and seemed much more comfortable :).

It really didn't seem that long and I was home again. My feet seem to be aching a bit lately, but my knees felt fine and I didn't seem to be aching in my legs so overall a great run. Of course had the mandatory stretching and a relaxing bath. Now to see what the next two weeks bring :-).

Thanks for all your ongoing support.
I'll be back soon,
Colette :-) x

Tuesday 2 April 2013

20 MILES!!!

Well well well, I ran 20 miles on Sunday, I really can't believe it.  I was just about coming to terms with the fact I had achieved 18 miles last week and now I have hit 20.  It stills seems strange that only a few weeks ago I wasn't really running and could not even think how I would achieve the higher numbers.

The day started early, Tracy and I met at 6 however the clocks had gone forward an hour so our body clocks really thought it was 5am and I had got up at 5am so on any other weekend it would have been 4am.  It was still dark as we started off but didn't take long for the sun to be up and we were met by a lovely sunrise.  The sun always adds to the good spirits.  It was still cold though however nowhere near as cold as last week and no snow to speak of this week which was a refreshing change.

As we arrived back to our cars both Tracy and I had big grins on our faces, it was an overwhelming sense of achievement.  I have to say that grin stayed on my face all the way home and for quite a while afterwards.  Of course none of this comes without aches and pains so stretching and a hot bath were the order of the day for me, although I have since found out that a hot bath is not the best thing to do after a long run.  For me though it is lovely and not something I couldn't easily give up :-).  My knee seems to be holding up and although irritating and aching at times seems to have improved and has certainly not go any worse so I am hoping it continues that way.

So 20 miles have been completed and now is the time for tapering.  That is the longest run I will do now before the marathon.  It feels strange and a bit scary that the next really big run will be the big day on 21st April.  So now is the time to reduce the intensity without getting too complacent and hopefully keeping injuries away.

It is now the time to be excited and I really am :-)

That's it for now.
I'll be back soon.

Sunday 24 March 2013

18 miles today, wahoo.

Today was a tough day to run but a great milestone.  I went out with my running buddy Tracy and we managed to clock up 18 miles.  It wasn't the easiest run in the world but we go there.  We met up just after 6.30 and headed out in the snow and wind.  Initially I thought I might not get far, my knee has been playing up and I was worried it was going to cause a problem however after the first couple of miles I got into my pace, my knee settled down and we faced the weather.  Often along the way we questioned our madness however soon realised we wasn't on our own when we passed several runners (we didn't overtake pass them, they were running in the opposite direction!!).  The ground was slippery in places so a careful step was needed.  Although it was difficult we soon (well it felt like soon) reached 9 miles and turned around to head back.  Some of the return run felt easier but some felt harder and some roads felt like they had grown.  The snow stopped for short time but kept on coming but we soon reached the final two miles and as usual these were the hardest but we kept going and finally reached our target of 18 miles.  I have to thank Tracy again at this stage as I am sure I wouldn't have done it without her company and support.  I have to say initially saying 18 miles was just a number however it soon sunk in how far we had run and how much we have achieved over the weeks.  I for one was more than chuffed and still can't believe I have managed to get that far :-).

We arrived back at the car, cleared the snow and headed back home.  I phoned my daughter before arriving back and asked her to start running a bath.  After stretching a relax in a hot bath was just the ticket.

Next week we are hoping to run 20 miles, lets hope it's a success.

The training, let alone the Marathon, has been a real challenge, if you would like to sponsor me please go to my fundraising page at  - money raised will go to +Havenshospices ( which is not only a great cause but a cause that is close to my heart.

I would also at this stage like to thank my wonderful husband Dave who initially started training with me however due to injury had to pull out.  He is now getting back to running however feels quite despondent that he hasn't been able to run with me and support me. He has however been a massive support, encouraging me all the way and saying the right words when I am moaning because I ache :-). I have missed running with him and will be glad when we can get back to running together.

Thanks for reading and your support.
Catch up soon, Colette :-)

Friday 15 March 2013

Half Marathon Completed and Successful Fundraising Night

I can't believe how quickly the time is going.  On Sunday it is only 5 weeks until the marathon.
Last Sunday I completed the Milton Keynes half marathon.  It was a tough old run; it was cold and snowed pretty much all the way around.  Having said that it was a pretty route and we got to see parts of Milton Keynes that we didn't even know were there.  It's not all just roundabouts, there are some really lovely places.  I was fortunate enough to run with our friend Matt who encouraged me all the way around.  It must have been really difficult for him as he really had to slow his pace down to run with me.   Dave and I stayed up in Milton Keynes the night before.  My daughter told me that unfortunately she couldn't come as she had plans and that she would see me when I got home to celebrate mother's day.  Well not only was I met at the finish line by my husband Dave, Matt's lovely wife Laura and their adorable daughter Robin but my daughter had made a surprise journey to Milton Keynes and met me at the finish line with a lovely bunch of flowers.  I was pretty emotional crossing the line as it hadn't been a particularly easy run (the first 5 miles had been ok :-)) but when I saw Simone I was really emotional and happy as it was so unexpected.  Unfortunately since the run my knee has been playing up however it seems to have improved a lot now and I have managed to get out tonight and have a run.  I have really missed it and felt twitchy not being able to get out - that is from someone who used to say "I can't run".

Waiting to start, Milton Keynes Xscape was full of waiting runners.  

Matt waiting to start.

Waiting to start, the atmosphere was starting to buzz!

Simone meets me at the finish :-)

A little emotional :-)

Yay we did it!!!

Last night saw the fundraising meal at Panchos mexican in Rayleigh which was a great success.  A total of £430 was raised, this was due to the support from friends and family, generous donations from various companies and the great company.  I shall list the companies at the end and put their links.  The food was delicious and the staff were great.  The raffle was popular with several prizes, including a ride in a train cab, a photo shoot, sports vouchers, hairdresser vouchers and zumba vouchers.

At this point I have to say thank you to my lovely husband and daughter for working together in arranging for me to undertake the "cinnamon challenge".  For those of you who do not know what this is it involves taking a spoonful of cinnamon and swallowing it with as much dignity as possible.  What actually occurs is a complete drying of the mouth and an inability to get rid of the aforementioned cinnamon......oh yes and dignity is completely lost!!  My understanding is that the measured amount is a teaspoon but no that is not good enough I have a heaped desert spoon.  It is probably one of the most unpleasant experiences I have ever had however this tasked raised an extra £30 so worth every moment of discomfort.  Of course there were many willing volunteers who took videos just to ensure my undignified act was shared :-).  I am therefore going to try to upload one onto here.  I said right at the start of the blog that I would be willing to do pretty much anything to raise money including making myself look daft and I think the video proves it!!!  My fundraising is doing well however I am still a way off my target so if you would like to sponsor me please visit by fundraising page on

The evening was busy and kept me on my toes but I have to say I had an absolutely fantastic evening.

Special thanks to everyone involved in making the evening such a success and special thanks to the following for their generous donations.

Sarah from +SND Photography
+Original sports
+Snippers Hairdressers
Zumba classes - details to follow.

And Panchos for a great evening and for holding charity events -

The icing on the cake today was to find out I had made the local paper yesterday :-)

A very proud moment seeing this :-).

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Painful week, oooo aaaargh ouch.

Well less than 7 weeks to go now. Sunday showed just what a challenge I am facing. I ran 15 miles with Tracey and I have to say it wasn't easy. The last 3 miles were really tough and it was sheer determination and Tracey's encouragement that kept me going. When I arrived home I thought I may have had to stay in the car as it wasn't easy to even walk. I then walked around like an old woman for the rest of the day. Monday was a rest day however I still had aching muscles to remind me of the day before. Yesterday I still ached a bit but managed a 4 mile run. It is a good feeling knowing I now just 'pop out' to do a 4 mile run whereas it wasn't that long ago that it was a real challenge. Today my legs just feel worked :-). I am having a sports massage tomorrow so looking forward to that. Sunday we are off to Milton Keynes for a half marathon so I am hoping I have prepared well for it.

I've arranged a fundraising meal on 14th at our local Mexican so hoping that will be successful. If you are interested in coming please let me know. The training is becoming more intense now so I am thinking that the bigger fundraising events I shall leave until after the marathon now. Having said that don't forget if you would like to sponsor me you can visit my fundraising page at

Thanks for your support and popping by.
I'll be back soon.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Final run in Venice.

I was up early and out running before 6.30 this morning for my final run in Venice. I know I have said it before but it is a wonderful way to see the city. Even if you are not running, get up early and see Venice before the crowds arrive. It has gone from snow to sunshine. As I was running I was able to witness the sunrise over the city. Lots of bridges and steps but that has become normal now, I shall miss them when I return home :-). I was really worried I would have difficulty in running when I got here but it hasn't been a problem at all and I have seen runners every morning. In fact one lady I have seen every run, I recognise her as her colour code is opposite to mine, she has an orange hat and yellow jacket. I can't remember if I have mentioned this before but for runners who want a longer run you can run along the bridge to the mainland which is 3 or 4 miles long.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Longer run in Venice

Really pleased as ran just over 8 miles around Venice this morning, it was great as I saw parts of Venice I wouldn't normally have seen. Lovely run although going up up and down those steps and over bridges takes it out of your legs. It is good to experience a totally different kind of training. Although Venice is like a labyrinth it is actually quite difficult to get lost. I tried running away from areas I knew and in the opposite direction to signs but kept finding familiar places. If anyone is thinking about coming to Venice and are concerned how they will run, don't be, it is a great experience.

I shall try to add some pics now. Ciau for now :-)

Friday 22 February 2013

More running in Venice.

I managed 4 miles this morning. An interesting run. I ran through what looks to be some of the residential area and got too see some of the 'real' Venice. I was out running about 7 am and although there was plenty of snow around the paths were clear. As I ran to the top of the bridge I found out why, there were a couple guys putting the salt down. I am enjoying running here but have lost count of just how many bridges I've ran over :-).

Thursday 21 February 2013

Running in Venice

My friend Lidia and I arrived in Venice yesterday. Before coming away I was interested to know how I was going to get my training in however after having a walk around yesterday I realised with maybe a little bit of imagination I could do it. We decided running early or later in the day would be the trick as it is more difficult with people around. We got up at 6.45 to run just after 7. Lidia was joining me and going to have a walk (her walking isn't that much slower than my running!!!!). We are fortunate enough to have a hotel that sits on the Grand Canal so I was able to run along the path and up to the park and back. Although I had a few bridges to cross it was a pleasant run. Fortunately they have put slopes over the bridges which made my life easier as I think running up steps may have hurt my knee. It was good to to and hopefully tomorrow I may be able to run a little further and explore.

If you like walking, Venice is the place to be. It feels like it is easy to get lost but the main areas are well sign posted and it is easy to find your way back although I did take us in a complete circle today :-).

I now have less than 9 weeks to go until the marathon!!! I am however feeling more positive as Tracy and I ran 13.1 miles on Sunday. I didn't get to write on here at the weekend as after the run I had a full day at work so was shattered. My Sundays usually involve my long run, hot bath then duvet day so Sunday was a bit tough :-).

It has just started snowing here!

Well that's it for now, I'll update again soon :-).

Friday 8 February 2013

Whoooaaaa slow down - exciting and scary!!!

I can't believe it is nearly two weeks since I last wrote on here!  On Sunday it is only 10 weeks until the Marathon.  Although exciting that really is a scary prospect.  I now have to seriously look into the fundraising and arrange a couple of events - I actually stopped here picked up the phone and rang Panchos which is a local Mexican restaurant who have charity fundraising nights.  I have now booked a meal for March 14th so if anyone is interested please email me at It is £22 (including service) of which £10 goes to Haven's Hospices.

Back to the running Dave and I had an interesting Saturday with some sprints and hill runs.  I chose what to do however I feel he may be returning the favour at some stage!!  We have a hill close to us which is short but steep and walking up is an effort so running is tough.  My first attempt was pretty poor and I only managed to get half way up however after that I managed to run up twice.  Dave, I take my hat off to him, as he managed to run up three times.

Sunday Dave and I met up with Tracy and decided on a run along the seafront.  Sadly Dave only managed about mile as his calf was painful and unfortunately he seems to have injured it!  He had to turn back but Tracy and I carried on and were extremely pleased when we clocked up a good 12 miles. It was a really good run.  Mind you as we were coming up to the 6 mile mark I said to Tracy how I was feeling this was probably one of the best runs I had ever had, it was flat, we were running a reasonable pace and it was comfortable.  That was until we turned around and seemed to be hit straight in the face with what felt like a gale force wind.  The running was then really hard and cold.  We got there though and it felt good.  I do have to thank Tracy though as she kept me going.

I haven't managed to get much running in this week however I went out early in the week for a few miles.  When I left home I thought it was cold but what I hadn't planned for was getting snowed on.  It only lasted about 10 minutes and then turned to sleet.  It got to the stage I had to take my glasses off as I couldn't see through then however (those of you that wear glasses will appreciate this) I couldn't see very far without them either, so a bit of a blurry run home - who needs alcohol :-).

Yesterday the sports therapists were at Havens so I popped down for a massage.  My muscles have been getting pretty tight and I hold a lot of stress in my neck and shoulders.  The massage was probably not the most relaxing experiences as it took some effort to loosen those tight muscles however I did feel relaxed afterwards and feel every pain was worth it.

Well that's it for now.  By the next time I write it is likely the weeks will be in single figures and the countdown will be well on its way.

I'll be back soon.

Colette :-)

Tuesday 29 January 2013

12 weeks to go!

This is quite a scary prospect - only 12 weeks to go.  The training is going to plan. I achieved my 10mile run on Sunday.  A difficult run I have to say however I think I made a couple of silly errors.  I ran on Saturday evening so didn't really give myself much time in between to recover and more importantly I did not have any breakfast!!  I had got up early to run as I was working on Sunday and wanted to get the run in before work.  I also did not want to get up too early so left getting up until the last minute, not thinking I should give myself time to have breakfast.

This has however prompted me into looking into my nutrition.  Something I keep thinking about and not achieving.  I love my food a bit too much and not the healthy stuff.  I have said I want to lose 3 stone this year and as yet I haven't done anything towards it.  Today however I have decided I need to start (those who know me are fully aware of my often good intentions!!!).  I have taken the step to look up nutrition for running on google and hopefully have some good ideas.  I am sure the running would be easier if I ate the right things to fuel my body in the way it should be and to lose some weight.

Dave and I are lazy shoppers and are totally unorganised when it comes to food and cooking so end up eating rubbish or take away.  Today however I have been online and placed an order for some healthier options and I have even planned a couple of recipes so watch this space!!

I am pleased with how the training is going and feel really good to have hit the 10 mile mark.  It is hard work but well worth the training.

That's it for now.
Keep popping back to see any updates.  Thanks for reading.
Catch you soon.
Colette :-)

Monday 21 January 2013

Snow running!

I have to say I love snow, well if I don't have to drive I love snow.    Having said that you soon realise that when you are training that snow isn't really your friend and you need to be careful.  Saturday we had a bit of a flurry and I was quite impressed that Dave and I went for a run.

It was cold and we had made the effort to go out, so I was pretty chuffed.
Sunday however the snow really started to come down and I decided that I would go out for my long run.  I left quite early as I thought the snow may come down thicker later in the day.  I managed to run 9.72 in the cold white stuff.  It wasn't so bad running on the snow as it was still soft however having the snow blowing in my face was difficult at times.  I have to say I thought I may get too cold but I didn't actually feel cold while I was running.  
3.5 miles into the run

You can't really see it on the photo but the snow is coming down here!!
I think this was at about 7 miles.
It didn't stop snowing for the whole run.  In the photos you can't actually see the snow falling. At about 7 miles I started to find it harder but convinced myself to go on and eventually hit my 9 mile target.  After that it was a struggle, I had nearly a mile to get home and was really feeling it.  Dave had said if I was struggling he would pick me up and I have to say at this stage I nearly phoned him but decided by the time he had got the car off the drive I would be nearly home and so I ran another 0.72 miles home.  I did it at a pretty slow pace but I did it and felt I had really achieved something.  
I am now convinced that if I can run nearly 10 miles in the conditions I ran in yesterday that I should be able to complete the half marathon in March.

Wahooo 9.72 miles and now home!!

Worn out and ice crystals in my hair!!

Indoors, some stretching and warming up then a lovely hot relaxing bath.

When fundraising I have been saying to people that it isn't only the day of the event that is hard work but also the training itself.  Yesterday I feel I really proved that.  In order to be fit enough to run the marathon I am having to go out in all weathers.  I am therefore looking for the sympathy donations today :-) and asking that if you are in anyway feeling sorry for me or thinking I am mad, please think of donating to my good cause.  If you would like to donate please either contact me or go to

Lets hope for some warmer training weather.

Sunday 13 January 2013

So what's new?

Well not much really!  I did however run 8.5 miles today.  I have to say I can feel it but I also feel really good that I did it.  I went out for a run with those who are running various events for Havens.  I met up with a lovely lady Tracy today who kept me running and showed me the way otherwise I may have got a bit lost as I didn't manage to keep up with the others.  I am the ultimate tortoise I feel.  Still I may not go fast but the miles are increasing and hopefully I will gradually increase the speed.  At the end of the run we are awarded with bacon butties so well worth getting up early on a cold Sunday morning.

I am out running a few times a week now.  It is a good feeling to go out and run 3-4 miles without thinking about it.  It wasn't that long ago that a mile was difficult to achieve.  Dave and I have booked onto the Milton Keynes half marathon on 10th March which we are looking forward to and it is part of the training plan into the bargain.

I have had some more thoughts about fund raising and a quiz night and foodie night apparently are good fund raisers.  I am hoping to have a quiz night at my local cafe - need to discuss dates and things with them.  Once I know anything I will be putting it on here for all to see.  I do also have another idea however that may not come to fruition so not going to expand on that just yet.

We have also started a slimming club at work.  We are all paying a small fee to weigh in and the money we get is going towards my fundraising.  May be a bit like me a slow process but it will build up and get there :-).

I went to Decathalon in Lakeside yesterday and bought some more kit as I couldn't go for a run outside one night during the week as I hadn't got my outdoor running clothes out of the washing machine and so they were still wet and I had to go to the gym and run on the treadmill.  I don't mind the treadmill but it can get a bit boring when the runs are a bit longer.  I did have to spend a few pounds in Decathalon however it is much cheaper than some of the other shops.  I like it in there as they seem to cater for every sport imaginable, or a least if feels that way.  All they need to add is a coffee shop and I'll be really happy :-).

Well thats it for now.
Catch you soon.